Montessori philosophy: the importance of movement

Montessori philosophy: the importance of movement

Movement is one of the main pillars of Montessori philosophy. In The Absorbent Mind, Dr. Montessori relayed the connection between movement and intellectual development in children. Thanks to her studies, Montessori schools across the globe utilize her teachings to...
Can architecture influence learning?

Can architecture influence learning?

Dr. Maria Montessori’s teaching style revolutionized the educational world as we know it. Instead of teachers following a strict curriculum, Dr. Montessori created an environment led by students’ curiosity and interests. Every material inside the classroom was...
Attributes of a great Montessori educator

Attributes of a great Montessori educator

In all methods of education, the educator’s role is to provide students with instruction and discipline. It’s important for all students to have a supportive guide that wants the best for them and their education. However, in Montessori schools, it takes a special...
How Montessori prepares students for life

How Montessori prepares students for life

Dr. Maria Montessori once said, “In every child is the seed that will mature into an adult.” Montessori schools’ unique approach to education benefits students by preparing them for life beyond the classroom. Studies show students reap long-term benefits from...
The connection between outdoor activities and Montessori

The connection between outdoor activities and Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori famously maintained the outdoors were a “natural extension of the classroom” and believed children are naturally driven by curiosity. Allowing students to explore nature gives them the opportunity to learn through experience. In our Outdoor...
Meet our staff!

Meet our staff!

“The greatest sign of success for a teacher… is to be able to say,‘The children are working now as if I did not exist.’” – Dr. Maria Montessori Every August, a buzz emulates from campus as staff and students return for the new school year. If your children are...