At the foundation of the Montessori Method is a passion for learning we hope to instill in each student. By allowing students to dive deeper into their natural inclinations in the classroom, we are preparing them to reach beyond what they’re required to learn. This extension of knowledge is not possible without the partnership between parents and guides. By modeling lifelong learning behaviors, parents can establish an insatiable curiosity and a lifelong love of learning in their children.

Start by asking your child’s guide for assistance. The most important thing is to understand the guide should be seen as a partner working alongside your child. This creates a prime environment for students to develop a passion for learning versus an environment focused on exactly what and when the teacher wants them to learn. From there, children can establish their own curiosities and passions which leads to a much longer learning cycle. Then sponsor these curiosities at home! You can do this by allowing your child to engage with you in activities that interest them – like gardening, cooking or home maintenance. Giving your children an age-appropriate opportunity to learn about what you do is a great way to educate and inspire continued learning.

By allowing children to learn through natural development and at their own pace, you’re creating lifelong traits such as responsibility and confidence. We believe that this is the most important part of education. By removing restraints such as daily schedules and logical limits, we can create an environment that supports independence, confidence, self-discipline, mutual respect, social connection and stewardship of the environment. The outcome is a positive environment, catered to creating genuine, lifelong learning. While you need to maintain eating and bedtime
schedules at home, try to create time for your children to choose activities at home. You can present multiple outdoor activities for the day – like a family walk, a trip to the park, or time playing in your yard. Allowing your child to guide some of the family’s activities will empower them as a decision-making member of the family.

Finally, model lifelong learning by engaging in learning yourself! Demonstrate to your children that reading, skill development and discovery don’t end with school graduation – these activities continue throughout adulthood! If appropriate, read a new book out loud to your child, allowing you both to learn in the process. Watch documentaries or educational shows (like How It’s Made or Planet Earth) as a family and discuss what you learned at the end. You’re teaching your children that life is about learning by showing that you’re still actively engaging in self-education.

Parents play an important role in establishing a continued curiosity in their children. By becoming a partner in the education process, you can create an environment focused on your child’s development, not a general timeline. For more resources on how you can help your children, visit our website.