The Montessori approach offers a vision of education as an aid to life. Its flexibility provides a matrix within which each child’s inner directives freely guide them toward wholesome growth.
The premise of the Montessori philosphy is that all children carry the person they will become within themselves. In order to fully develop physical, intellectual and spiritual potential, the child must freedom – achieved throuhg order and self discipline.
The classroom environment is organized in an orderly, logical manner. Children choose work they are capable of doing and are free to work as long as they wish without interference from others.
This approach alleviates many discipline problems that might present in another type of environment. Additionally, the mixed ages provide opportunities for the younger childern to emulate the older children’s more mature behavior.
Choosing work
Montessori classrooms are prepared environments where children are able to freely respond to their natural tendency to work. The child’s innate passion for learning is encouraged through opportunities to engage in spontaneous, purposeful activites with the guidance of trained adults.
Through their work, children develop concentration and joyful self-disciplilne. Within an orderly framework, children progress at their own rhythm and pace according to their individual capabilities. All children are given lessons on how to appropriately use materials within the Montessori environment and will begin to see school as a community where all learners live in harmony. If an individual child’s behavior jeopardizes the welfare of the community, that child will experience consequences for their behavior.