
River Series

Throughout the fall semester, the River Series takes place at our amphitheater overlooking the Wolf River Harbor. This series of live musical performance benefits MMS. By hosting the event at our on-campus amphitheater, we are able to showcase and celebrate our school, the river, the community and the musical of Memphis and beyond.

Click Here for more information or if you are intested in sponsoring this event.

Historical Halloween

In October, we celebrate real people – both past and present – through Historical Halloween. Throughout the month, stories about these people are read and shared. Historical Halloween, in which students dress up as a person of their choosing, is usually celebrated the last weekend of October.

Silent Auction

The annual silent auction raises money for the Maria Montessori School scholarship fund. Founded in memory of the directoress’ brother and cousin who passed early in life, the mission of the fund is to support the diverse community of MMS while keeping in line with Dr. Montessori’s philosphy that every child should have access to a Montessori education.



Winter Festival

Winter Festival serves as an opportunity to celebrate our cultural diversity prior to winter break.



Book Fair

Support the Maria Montessori School library by shopping at your local bookstore. 20% of the proceeds will go toward the school library. Start holiday shopping early, pick up some back-to-school reading for the kids or grab that novel you didn’t get to start over the summer. An added bonus: it’s fun to hang out with your MMS friends!

Regatta and Duck Race

Every April, we have our annual spring celebration and fundraiser. The Memphis community and beyond is invited to enjoy this day of family fun. Click here to learn more about this year’s event.

River Series

During the spring, the River Series starts back up at our amphitheater. This series of live performances benefits the Maria Montessori School. By setting the event at the on-campus amphitheater, an under-untilized and beautiful event setting on the Mississippi River in Harbor Town, we are able to showcase and celebrate MMS, the river, the community and the musical talent of Memphis and beyond.