The Elementary environment at MMS is divided into two sections: 6-9 and 9-12

One of the biggest differentiators of the Montessori Method is the use of classroom environments. These environments are prepared to support the developmental interests and characteristics of a mixed age group. With accessible furniture, varied workspaces and special materials that encourage free choice of activity, children are able to grow at their own pace and learn in a way that appeals to their personal interests.

Elementary students at Maria Montessori School are in two environments, one for 6-9-year-olds and another for 9-12-year olds. Characterized by curiosity, imagination, moral and social orientation and need for exploration, these students work together in groups to complete projects and develop their abilities.

At MMS, these objectives can fall into three categories:

We strive for every child to attain the mastery of body movements and motor functions necessary for writing and manipulation of learning materials. The development of some athletic ability is also included as a skill to be carried throughout a lifetime.

Through positive reinforcement and encouragement, it is our goal that every student develop a healthy, confident self-image. Students should be aware of their own feelings and the feelings of others, while understanding the need for personal contribution to the advancement of the common good for the world.

Our curriculum grants students with a base for lifelong learning by developing necessary skills in mathematics, reading, writing and other key subjects.

From these categories, students work on assignments that are integrated across a variety of subjects including geography, biology, history, language, mathematics, science, music and other forms of artistic expression. Students are encouraged to use their resources to gain real-life knowledge, fostering a feeling of connectedness and encouraging desire to contribute to the world.
Interested in visiting our campus to get a firsthand look at the elementary environment? Schedule a tour by contacting us