You may have heard it before – smaller classrooms lead to more individualized learning opportunities. But, how truly beneficial are small classrooms? Do children really learn more from one-on-one time with their teachers?

At Maria Montessori School, there are generally 24-35 students in each environment. If you’re new to the Montessori Method, this might sound crowded, but the class size is purposeful. To ease your worries, we’ve put together a few reasons why larger classroom environments actually benefit your child’s education.

The focus is shifted from guide (teacher) to child.
Traditional classrooms have the teacher standing at the front giving instructions while students sit in an assigned place. Montessori environments function differently. Dr. Maria Montessori believed that putting the focus on children’s inclined interests would lead to greater success in the classroom. By having a larger class size, the focus is switched from the guide to the children. This style of teaching encourages children not only to learn “with” each other but also “from” each other. In a Montessori environment, it’s the realities around you that provide the best learning atmosphere. A larger class size yields a creative environment filled with many children ready to help one another. 

Larger class sizes mean larger varied age groups.
At Maria Montessori School, classrooms are grouped together according to AMI standards – in three-year age groups. This is important because the older students teach younger classmates without a lecture from a teacher or guide while also modeling social behaviors. Younger students also teach the older ones a thing or two, and learn how to teach to their peers in the future! This exchange of knowledge among different age groups is only possible when class sizes are larger, which is why Dr. Montessori believed they are essential to quality education. 

There are more diverse work environments.
With more students come more interests. With more interests come more activities. A dynamic learning environment is a key part of Montessori education. What better way to discover that than through multiple learning opportunities in one classroom? Each student is encouraged to follow their inclined interests so that they may grow a passion for learning. In a room with multiple activities and students, children can choose to partake in an activity that allows their curiosity to flourish and lead them to learn something new. 

If you have any questions about the structure of larger environments, feel free to contact us at (901) 527-3444 or