Welcome Emily and Marilyn to our toddler community!

Welcome Emily and Marilyn to our toddler community!

At Maria Montessori School, we’re committed to providing an environment full of qualified individuals who are passionate about the Montessori Method and assisting students in academic, emotional and spiritual growth. As we continue to grow, so does the need for extra...
The Absorbent Mind in layman’s terms

The Absorbent Mind in layman’s terms

The Montessori Method was developed at the turn of the century. During this time, Dr. Maria Montessori literally wrote the book(s) on childhood development and education. One of her most popular titles, “The Absorbent Mind” outlines beautifully what she uncovered...
Empathy in the Montessori Method

Empathy in the Montessori Method

The lessons children learn in school extend beyond academic subjects. Children learn how to work in teams, how to solve problems, about their own strengths, and about their feelings and emotions. Empathy is an important skill to develop – one that is innate within us,...
How the Montessori Method helps students develop self-patience

How the Montessori Method helps students develop self-patience

Raise your hand if you’ve ever become frustrated with yourself as you struggled to work through a complicated task. We’ve all been there – sitting with a menagerie of toy parts spread on the floor in front of us, trying to piece together how part 1A is supposed to fit...
Why Montessori schools teach cursive writing

Why Montessori schools teach cursive writing

Penmanship is rarely listed on elementary schoolers’ lists of favorite courses. It seems silly to learn another way to write after you’ve already mastered printing! Many American schools have moved away from the practice, as it’s not a required course in the Common...
Keeping a calm classroom

Keeping a calm classroom

If you ask a teacher what an invaluable skill in their trade is you might hear them answer, “classroom management.” Keeping children still at their desks, attentive to lessons and in alignment with a schedule is challenging! Incentive programs, teacher cues and other...